I was born and raised in Georgia. My family has lived and worked here for 6 generations on the same farm in Coweta County, Georgia. I am an Eagle Scout and proud American.  I am a lifelong citizen and resident of the great State of Georgia.  I intend to raise my family here as I was raised; to love this country and be proud to say I'm an American.

I am a son, a brother, a husband, a father, a business owner/attorney, a lifetime Christian Conservative Republican and proud Georgian.
I attended public school and graduated from East Coweta High School.  I then graduated from the University of West Georgia earning a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from the Richard's College of Business before earning my Juris Doctor from Atlanta's John Marshall Law School in 2009.  I sat for the Georgia Bar Exam once and obtained my license to practice law in Georgia.

Between my 2nd and 3rd year of law school I participated in an externship by working in the Office of the Attorney General for the State of Yap, Micronesia. During that time, I worked on public policy research and various legislation to include special education and maternity leave for public employees of Yap during my externship there.

Legal Experience

I started and continue to operate a solo practice for the majority of the past 12 years handling many types of difficult cases that affect real people's lives. The largest parts of my practice are family law and criminal defense. I like to believe I assist the best members of our community in their worst moments.  I regularly work in the courts of law and equity.

I research and analyze laws and constitutional rights in civil and criminal cases on a daily basis.  I have a firm understanding of the US Constitution and holdings of the United States Supreme Court. 

I have a firm understanding of what the job of a US Congressman is beyond mere politics.  I will vote for or against bills based on the clear constitutionality of the law; not on the whims of those misled by the Left or those who disrespect the US Constitution and the individual rights of each citizen.

Motivation for Public Office
This is my first campaign for political office, and I became motivated to run for US Congress when I felt that our country was heading into destruction during 2019,  Presidential campaign, the 2020 China Virus pandemic, BLM/Antifa riots and the widespread promotion of Critical Race Theory.

Antifa and BLM were propped up as legitimate "protesters", and we watched them burn and destroy almost every major city with no accountability and continued demands as everyone else was locked in their homes. The Democrats consistently supported the riots, destruction and anarchy all while censoring opposing views. Good people were silenced. Censorship on social media spread like wildfire and speech was being controlled by faceless "Fact Checkers". Enough was enough long ago.  We the People deserve better!

I needed to step up and DO SOMETHING to preserve this great nation for our children.  I determined that the Left has no long-term viability to their agenda because their sole focus is to destroy.  I plan to propose long-term and viable solutions to the ills of this nation and to enforce those laws that will preserve our way of life.

The Job of a US Congressman

The office I seek is currently held by Drew Ferguson.  Drew Ferguson has hidden himself from the public eye and does not know the people of Georgia US Congressional District 3.   The People of this district also do not know him.  While in office, Ferguson has voted on several Bills that are not in the best interest of Georgia or the United States, including the 5 Trillion Dollar Spending Bill. Additionally, Ferguson is absent for a substantial amount of House Sessions and votes.

Why should Georgia Congressional District 3 voters vote for him if he is not voting for you?

I am running for public office because the job of a US Congressman is a position best suited for an attorney and legal expert. Laws cannot be drafted or voted on by those who do not understand the history of our US Constitution, Bill of Rights and American Jurisprudence.

The job of a US Congressman is that of an advocate for all constituents and to draft laws and vote pursuant to the US Constitution and holdings of the US Supreme Court to better our Republic. I do not seek power,  personal fame or wealth. I support a functional society based on merit. The People of this Nation deserve law and order. I am running to be your Representative in the US Congress, District 3 to preserve this great nation and the State of Georgia.  I will ensure that the interests of Georgia citizens are heard in Washington D.C.

I am no gimmick. I am someone who understands how laws are drafted and how they impact each citizen's life.  I know the US Constitution and the historical holdings of the Supreme Court of the United States.  

I owe no one any favors. I am beholden to no one. My allegiance is to God, my family, my fellow citizens, the State of Georgia and the United States.  My beliefs and opinions are more Conservative than many Republicans. I'm for Liberty, Individual Freedoms and the Pursuit of Happiness.

We must Save America by Saving Georgia! 

Thank you for your support. Together we can set this Country on the Right path!

Jared B. Craig, Candidate for US Congress, District 3 

Newnan-Coweta Chamber of Commerce Debate

April 14, 2022

America 1st Families

March 25, 2022

Common Ground with Mike Crane

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Term Limit Pledge

I support Term Limits in Washington.